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Monday, April 4, 2011

Inspirational Person #3

Another person who's work influences me is Ken Levine, the designer of "BioShock". BioShock is a first-person shooter game for the Xbox 360 and Windows computers. BioShock was revolutionary in terms of design and game play. The design was unique because all of the locales were designed in the 50's Art-Deco style. Game play was unique because it introduced the concept of "plasmids" which are biological modifications the players can subject themselves to inorder to become more powerful. The main storyline of BioShock is based heavily on the idea of conscious and subconscious decisions that you think you're making as the player of the game. About midway through the game you realize that you only think you are acting consciously and that you are actually being subconsciously controlled by the man you thought was helping you, who is actually controlling you through use of a mind control experiment that you are the result of

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