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Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog Assignment 4A

"Brainwashed" by Seth Godin, can be found here
     When Seth Godin talks about acknowledging "the lizard" he's talking about that little voice in the back of your head that says "you can't do this" or "people will laugh at you" when we want to do something different. Godin says we must acknowledge this voice because once we've acknowledged it we can ignore it and get on with creating something meaningful.

     Another section of "Brainwashed" that "speaks to me" is Make Art. I like this section because it really expanded what I think of as art, and I love art, mostly for the reasons that Godin mentioned: that it doesn't follow an instruction manual, it's simply the human act making something new.

     I think both of these sections apply to this blog that I have to write for the class. Acknowledging the lizard applies to me because, for every project, I always find myself thinking "what if people think this stupid" or "what if they're laughing at me behind my back" and that's very inhibiting to your creativity to do. Make art applies to the blog because that's exactly what we're doing. Every exercise we create a new work of art. As far as this blog goes, I think these exercises are both worthwhile and worthless. On one hand they help us exercise our creativity and give us experience in using the tools of our future trade and on the other hand it seems sort of redundant to try to grade someone for creativity because it's all subjective. However we have to graded for something and right now this is all we have.

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