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Monday, April 4, 2011

Inspirational Person #1

One person who's work greatly influences me is Atsushi Inaba, a producer for Platinum game studio. Inaba was the producer of one of my all-time favorite video games, MadWorld for the Nintendo Wii. MadWorld is a rare breed of game. It features completely over-the-top violence, to the point of comedy, and was designed with heavy emphasis on contrast and affinity. The affinity is created by the entire game being black and white except for the blood of your enemies, which stands out bright red against the background and that is the contrast. The result is a unique game that is a welcome change to this age of sequels and movie rip-offs that we live in. MadWorld features in-game commentating of a rather blue nature. The dialogue between the two commentators is rife with profanities and sexual subtext. This feature adds to the complete over-the-top hilarity that is MadWorld.   


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